Friends' archived films

Artists Films International - Lerato Shadi

Looking for Lerato Shadi's film or the other profiled Artists' Film International films?

Through covid-19 lockdown levels 5 through 4 we profiled 9 films drawn from our partnership with Artists' Film International (AFI) on this site.  The online profile closed on 11th June with a livestream interview with our nominated artist Lerato Shadi.  We look forward to showing you all 20 of the AFI films live as and when that's possible.  

Dr Ashraf Jamal's speech on the occasion of the opening of FRIENDS50 (15 Apr 2018)

The FRIENDS50 exhibition celebrates 50 years of support by the Friends of the Iziko South African National Gallery - 50 years in which 300+ artworks were partially/wholly funded by the Friends.

On the occasion of the exhibition opening, Dr Ashraf Jamal, art and culture thinker and academic, talks about the role of (art) museums in education in South Africa.

Ernestine White on Maurice Mbikayi's "E-Munkishi" (2015)

ISANG Contemporary art curator Ernestine White speaks on the Maurice Mbikayi's artwork "E-Munkishi" (2015).  The work was acquired by the Friends for the National Collection in 2015 and exhibited as part of "FRIENDS50" (opened 15 Apr 2018), an exhibition of some of the works acquired by the Friends over the last 50 years. Maurice Mbikayi was born and lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo; he is currently in residence in Greatmore Studios in Cape Town working on his next exhibition.  His work using discarded computer parts speaks of our global time of e-waste and Africa's role in re-processing the waste..

Marilyn Martin on William Kentridge's "Man with Mirror and Teeth" (1980)

As part of "FRIENDS50" (15 Apr - 4 Nov, 2018), an exhibition of some of the works acquired by the Friends over the last 50 years, Marilyn Martin speaks on one of the earliest works by William Kentridge acquired by the Friends before his rise to international fame. "Man with Mirror and Teeth" (1980) was acquired in 1981 and accessioned to the South African public art collection in 1986. With thanks to William Kentridge, Marilyn Martin, and Iziko Museums of South Africa

17 February 2018: Bisi Silva + Sean O'Toole

Curator Bisi Silva in conversation with Critic Sean O'Toole, on the occasion of Artist El Anatsui's exhibition "Meyina" at ISANG.

(Recording by Iziko SA Museums)